Digital small device and NFT collateral technology
Digital small device and NFT collateral technology
We help our users build great and secure businesses
We help our users build great and secure businesses
We help our users build great and secure businesses
We help our users build great and secure businesses
ContactLending companies
Before you offer loans to your customers be sure you can lock customer phone, in case they are not paying back
Collection agencies
Before you offer a payment plan to your customers be sure you can lock the customer phone, in case they are not keeping payment plan
Telecom sellers
If you finance device on installment, be sure you can lock customer phone, in case they are not keeping installments
Our vision is to build a technology platform that will enable people across the world to have easy access to refurbish mobile devices
Everything in one place. Onboarding new customers takes 1minute fully automated. Ready chatbot. Instant offers and communications.
Management Console
A management console for Administrators that helps manage the devices, like setting up the environment, sending payment reminders, blocking and unblocking customers devices basing on certain parameters.
API Middleware
5 simple API calls to register, enroll, block, unblock and push notification(payment reminder) function. Middleware that provides the APIs to automate the device assignments, phone collateral and further management.
Customize block screen
Block screen can be fully modified by you, have your logo, message, buttons depend on your brand book. You can even add your payment gateway for simple payment.
This is why we are fully digital and smartphone based and can reach people far beyond the scope of brick and mortar businesses
Rent devices
Our platform enables simple and secure rental of devices with the option of purchase, earlier termination or the offer of newer device
Lease devices
Financing the devices has never been easier, have full control over the device until maturity. Designed for new and old devices.
Keep payments
Customers are just promise and promise to pay. Take their devices like collateral to keep their payments. Nowadays no one can live without a phone.
Get My Phone Price .com
Get instantly price for your phone. For customers around the world.
getmyphoneprice.comWe are live with PLEDDU app Trade your old phone between others. Don’t throw your mobile->keep earth clear->give chance to others. We are mobile trading platform, where you can sell or rent your mobile.
Quick, simple -> very powerful tool to Get your price phone instantly
First step is done, 50% is done. Visit our 3D PLEDDU Museum of phones history Learn history of phones and see it 3D We have over 100 old real mobile phones in Buy digital assets(phones) and own it in real All phones a stored in our real museum
The most frequently asked questions
Of course, our solution is on modules base architecture. You can use one modul or all solutions. All true secure API calls.
No, our integration is simple it takes 2-5days. Then we are charging you per year per each customer.
Yes, you can start phone secure renting business within 15days under your brand, with ready done mobile app and administration system.
No, data which we store is just IMEI of your phone.(manufacture numbers) and its require by manufacture.
We dont have access to any other data from customer phone.
Yes, our platform is fully modifid by legal country restriction , languages or currency. It can be use around the world, where smart device are in used.
Platform is fully independent and has all modules to start your business. We are offer fully done system for you to use. Include onbording, administration, collection, accounting, reports, risk etc. Usuualy it takes 15-30days.
We are offering you completed platform to manage your business, include www, mobile app and administration system. Plus expirience and fully support. We are gold partners of Samsung and have partnership with other manufacture.
Not all but mostly brand like Samsung, Apple, Motorola, Huawei
Before you decide to upgrade your existing systems or develop new one, its always better rent ready done flexible solutions.
Our team has over 15years expirience in IT investment banking and are fully responsible to succefuly transfer your business to new digital era.
In PLEDDU we are supporting free education, what means we create and running 3D museum, where visitors have chance to see history of phones for free.